Hello my dear friends and readers! Over the past few days, I’ve received a lot of questions from friends wondering how am I going to celebrate my birthday; especially since this one is a “big” one. This Friday – the 17th of Cheshvan – is my Hebrew birthday and I’m turning 40!!! I already turned 40 in the Gregorian Calendar last Thursday, November 10th, so many asked, “How do you celebrate a Hebrew birthday!?” Today, I’m going to tell you. Plus, I’m going to tell you the super unique way that I’m celebrating this year. (Which by the way has had me excited for months!!!)
This year I’m going to celebrate big and in true Jewish fashion. So, get ready because not only is this BIG, but YOU are going help make it happen!
Our Hebrew birthdays mark the moment in time that G-d said, “I’m giving you a soul and a body and a divine mission to accomplish in the world. I have absolute confidence that you will do great!” Our Hebrew birthday is a day to recommit to the purpose of our creation and the mission that G-d has entrusted us with – improving ourselves and the world around us! (Tweet that!) Thus, our birthday is an auspicious time to give. (To learn more on the Jewish concept of time, read my blog post here.)
Ideally, on this auspicious day one should give a charitable contribution greater than what one gives on a daily or regular basis. I’ve decided that in honor of my 40th birthday, this year I want to make my birthday-giving extra special. Not only do I want to give a larger amount than other years, but I want to include YOU in my giving! In fact, I’m asking you to help me give BIG! LET ME TELL YOU HOW THIS IS GOING TO WORK…
Today I’ve launched a birthday campaign to make a contribution to Aishel House in honor of my fortieth birthday. Aishel House is a bikur cholim organization that provides immense support to patients that come from all over the world to the Texas Medical Center. I know that many of you know Aishel House, and I know that those who may be new to Aishel House, will identify with its mission and work as much as I do.
And here’s where you come in and where it get’s amazing. I am committing today, to match every dollar that you contribute to this campaign! Yes, you read that right! For example, lets say 40 of my readers give $40 dollars each for a total of $1,600, I will in turn match that amount and thus together our total contribution to Aishel House will be $3,200! (Just from 40 people donating $40!)
Click this link to access My Birthday Campaign for Aishel House.
Now, let me tell you a little bit more about Aishel House. A home away from home, Aishel House, offers patients and their families beautiful housing, warm kosher meals, support, comfort and guidance during their most trying times. And Aishel House is a family. Aishel House relies heavily on it’s amazingly dedicated volunteers and staff, who deliver meals, take patients on errands, and bring smiles to patients and their families, e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e day. To see more of what Aishel House volunteers are up to constantly, check out their Facebook page. After 20 years serving the worldwide community, Aishel House is about to open a new and extraordinary building to serve the needs of even more patients and their families. You can join us for an Open House of the new building on Sunday, December 4th from 12:30 pm- 2:00 pm, free of charge and open to all.
Let’s go over it again, I will match every single dollar contributed! So, let’s start giving, my friends! Help me give and let’s together create a positive impact in people’s lives by helping Aishel House. Here’s what one of my friends and reader said about how Aishel House has impacted her life:
“Aishel House was like a ray of sunlight amidst a storm… It meant feeling that we were not alone; that not only did we have spiritual, but also physical support… daily warm kosher meals with a sticker that said “made with love”… you can’t even imagine what those little details meant to us. Thank You Aishel House! – Liliana Bentollila
Yes, this could get really big and that’s exactly what I want! That’s my pledge and my commitment to Aishel House and to all of you today. The campaign will run from today, Monday, November 14, 2016 until Friday, November 18, 2016 at 5:00 PM CT (before candle lighting time, 5:07 PM Central Time.) Jewish Latin Princess’ readers, help me make this birthday a truly meaningful one, pushing me to go above and beyond in my giving. No amount of giving is too little; no amount of giving is too much. Do what you can, but please do give. Allow me to match you! Allow me to give big to an institution that constantly gives big to the world: Aishel House. Thank You and may we always share mitzvot and happy occasions together!
Here is that Birthday Campaign link again where you can make your donations: Birthday Campaign for Aishel House
You can find the most recent information on Aishel House’s Facebook page here and can sign up to be a volunteer by emailing volunteer@aishelhouse.org.
Thank You and have a wonderful week. And please, share this post with the world by clicking on the share button below. By making a donation and sharing this post today, we’ll be jointly creating positive impact in the world! Thank You!
[…] Sukkot and Simchat Torah passed, back to real life, I finally set a time to go take a video. I had written my ideas of what I wanted to say (much of which I later on used for this blog post). […]