I loved being in Jewish Latin Princess. Yael made me feel right at home. Her careful reading of the book and her interview style was terrific. I also enjoyed sharing a part of my life that I don’t usually get to share in interviews. Thank You Yael!
I had a great time being on Jewish Latin Princess Podcast. Yael is a great interviewer and fun. The questions just flowed and they were the perfect balance of thought provoking and deep, while also keeping the conversation very real and practical. I’ve done many interviews in the past and I can say, Yael is great on the mic!
I can’t thank you enough for joining us at the retreat and being a truly special guest! Your words were beautiful and meaningful. You exceeded our expectations and were a pleasure to work with. It was wonderful to share this Shabbat with you.
It was a joy to be interviewed by Yael -- she's fun, prepared, quick and smart. A truly zesty conversation. What more could an interviewee want?
Being interviewed by Yael is pure joy! Her insightful comments, powerful questions and warm interaction helps one share with ease. Yael may you go from strength to strength with your mission of spreading goodness throughout the world!
What an honor to be interviewed by Yael. In my eyes, Yael's show is a place to glorify Judaism and the Jewish way of life, and I am humbled to have been invited to share my passion. Yael made me feel so comfortable and confident. Her easy going upbeat energy was felt way across the globe as if I was sitting right there next to her. I enjoyed every moment of the interview and couldn't believe that an hour and a half went by so fast;-) I look forward to connecting again soon. Yael, keep up the good work!
I loved being a guest on Yael's podcast! Her questions are thoughtful, and it's like chatting with a good friend. The time flew by. I wish we could have chatted more.
Yael de JLP no es solo mi gran amiga sino que es una host maravillosa, con la voz más dulce y hace las preguntas más asertivas. Te hace sentir en casa estando tan lejos y en un micrófono. Yael es el perfecto ejemplo de mujer mamá judia trabajadora que lo puede todo! Y todo lo que hace lo hace perfecto. No solo recomiendo escuchar sus podcast que son maravillosos sino seguir su blog y sus ocurrentes historias y los mejores tips.
Yael is a delight! My interview with her for Jewish Latin Princess was like talking to an old friend. Her questions are thought-provoking, insightful and generous. Her warm approach allowed me to be myself, and I loved having the opportunity to share my story in such an engaging way.
I loved being part of your podcast, I had no idea what to expect and it was refreshing as a Jewish woman to participate in your podcast. Your questions related to what I do, combined with Judaism gave me a lot to think about. I love getting new questions instead of the typical “why did you start the project?” which is important but I’m glad you gave it a twist. I hope your listeners enjoy the interview as much as I enjoyed being part of it! Thanks for challenging me to think about my topic and religion as one.
It was great talking with you yesterday. You made me feel totally comfortable from the start. Your style is so dynamic, and your interviews so thought provoking! Our interview was just one fun conversation and it flew by so quickly!
By far the highlight of my week was interviewing with Yael for JLP! I felt like I plugged into an outlet of inspiration and human connection. Yael has brains, spunk, spirit and curiosity, all of which come through her thought-provoking and engaging interview style. Thank you, Yael, for including me in your podcast. You are a pleasure to join forces with!
Gracias por la estupenda entrevista que me hiciste, siempre es grato que te entrevisten de otra manera, es una conversación que nunca olvidaré. Al final el propósito de una buena entrevistadora es que su entrevista deje huella, y tu lo lograste.
Yael's careful preparation and genuine sensitivity are evident in every question she asks and in how attentively she listens. It was a pleasure to talk to the Jewish Latin Princess!
It was such a delight to be interviewed by Yael. She is so warm, on target and really insightful. Instead of feeling like an interview, it was like have a cup of tea with a really good friend. Thanks Yael for sharing your gifts with the world and creating a platform to share ours.
Yael and I went deep into my journey to becoming a financial therapist in her podcast. Thank you for this lovely interview.
I'm brand new to the podcasting world, and Yael made me feel right at home and relaxed. She's so curious and honest, making it a pleasure to speak to her. Being interviewed by Yael is like sitting in your best friend's living room shmoozing and laughing about the day.
You are a truly terrific interviewer. I'm also filled with joy and gratitude to have had such a juicy, deep, and spiritual conversation with you. Thank you so much for inviting me on your show.
Author of Prince Charming Isn't Coming, Overcoming Underearning, and Sacred Success
Yael is a gifted and intuitive writer. So impressed was our staff, that the Jewish Herald-Voice offered her a monthly column, "Defining Jewish Women." We have received only positive feedback and our readers look forward to the third Thursday of every month. In between, I personally follow her blog and gain much insight into myself through her words and emotions.
What a treat to hear Yael speak at the Jewish Women's Retreat in San Antonio. Her presentation, "Mi Casa es Su Casa, The Kabbalah of the Home" inspired me to express my Judaism in a way that speaks to my creative side and love of all things chic without compromising my true self and style. I'm so glad I got the chance to hear her message of creativity and Torah. Bravo!
I enjoyed your presentation very much. Your way of presenting material is your strongest asset. You are organized, friendly and approachable, and you speak beautifully, including when you incorporated Jewish teachings in Hebrew. I would be happy to learn from you as you make it fun and interesting.
Thank you so much for a wonderful presentation....You are a great speaker and all the ladies loved hearing your stories....
I am writing to share how much I enjoyed your presentation on the kabbalah of home at the 55th N'shei Chabad convention in San Antonio, Texas. Your vivacious speaking style, the clarity with which you made your points, and your warmth toward your audience made this one of the best breakout sessions I attended. You offered both depth of Jewish knowledge and perspective on how this applied to people's individual situations. I look forward to my next opportunity to hear you speak.
Gracias por crear un blog tan necesitado para la mujer moderna Judia.
Yael y JLP son muy especiales para mi. Fue gracias a JLP que me di la oportunidad de intentar nuevamente preparar Challah para mi familia - desde que JLP publico la Challah que nunca falla en nuestra mesa hay hermosas y deliciosas Challah todos los Shabbat y en las festividades. Soy una foodie así que no me pierdo las recetas que publica y hasta ahora han sido un éxito total, sin contar que me inspira la bellísima presentación de los platos y como presentar una hermosa, sencilla y a la vez elegante mesa para nuestra familia e invitados.
In preparation for my wedding, I had the opportunity to learn with Yael. Creativity aside, she is a wealth of knowledge, both passionate and practical, about what she teaches and how she teaches it. I'm also proud to say that through our experience together she has become a great friend and is someone that I can I always talk to.
Estoy inmensamente feliz de haber conocido a Yael. En ella no solo encontré una persona con inmenso talento, sino que también encontré una gran amiga que abre su corazón y te contagia su alegría, creatividad y armonía. Me fascina leer su blog - en el siempre encuentro algún nuevo “tip” y también disfruto muchísimo de las clases de mujeres que nos da mensualmente.
My daughter Stav had her Bat Mitzvah a few months ago. I wanted Stav to go into her 'Bat Mitzvah' understanding the meaning of the term, and with the knowledge of how to apply it to her life. Even though she learns in a Jewish Orthodox school, I felt that she needed extra learning and inspiration for her coming of age. Luckily, I knew Yael from before, and heard that she teaches Bat Mitzvah classes. I had a feeling that this would be a good match... I wasn't wrong :)
Yael teaches ancient ideas in a modern way. Stav came back from classes inspired, thinking and asking herself questions. I'm thankful that my daughter had the opportunity to learn with Yael for her Bat Mitzvah in a interesting, welcoming and inspiring way.
Yael has creativity, vision, and energy, and she uses them all to the fullest for her clients. She came up with the color scheme, all the accessories, the overall “look” of the day, and I just happily and gratefully followed along. But I don’t want you to think it’s only what Yael wants, Yael does. She asked me for input every step of the way. She always checked in with me about what she was buying, what she thought we should have at the party, and she was always conscious of budget. I wanted everything she suggested, but I know that if there had been anything I wasn’t keen to have, she would have changed it until she found something that I loved. She wanted my daughter and me to be happy with everything. We weren’t happy – that’s too meager a word – we were elated!!! Working with Yael was such a pleasant and joyful experience. And those are two words I don’t use lightly when it comes to describing planning an event.
Yael helped me style my son's upshernish as well as my living room. She is wonderful to work with! She is talented and extremely organized which is super helpful! She has an incredible eye and knows how to beautify absolutely anything!
Ready to enjoy a joyful & richer Jewish life?